3-minutes to maximise productivity based on research & proven strategies. Interested?
Have you made progress on the things that matter most to you in 2021?
Or have you been too busy or distracted to achieve the goals, outcomes and aspirations you set earlier this year? It’s all too easy to focus on endless to-do lists that never seem to get completed.
I’m working with the Standford University Behaviour Design Lab on a brand new digital tool to create long-term behaviour change which lasts.
We are looking for testers. Are you interested?
What is Behavior Design?
A major flaw in the way people typically approach change is deciding what behaviour to put into practice.
Point A: The Start — Where you are today.
Point B: Reaching the desired Outcome, Result, Aspiration or Goal.
How we get there? Varies widely from intuitive guessing vs. skilful matching and strategies. A lot of people guess what to do based on no data! It’s like driving to an unknown destination without a map or GPS or exploring the transport options before you start (boat, car, ferry or plane — there is a difference in time, energy and $ depending on what we choose).
The optimal way? Match Yourself with Specific Behaviours which meet these super simple criteria:
1. You want to do the behaviour (motivation)
2. You can do the behaviour (ability — skills, capabilities, and you have the resources/tools/suitable environment).
3. The behaviour is effective in reaching your outcome/aspiration.
As a specialist productivity coach, I’ve designed behaviours are based on research and proven methods to increase productivity.
The Matching tool will walk you through three steps to match you with the best actions for achieving your aspirations.
You can use this tool to increase your productivity, starting today!
2021 is still young — there’s plenty of time to get what you want this year if you start right now.