Are you stuck in the ‘me’ trap?
I feel like everyone else is moving forward in life. But I’m struggling. I feel like I’m sinking. Why can’t I just pull myself out of this? Why do I feel so stuck? I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach — a deep, dark fear — that I’m not going to make it. I don’t know what to do repeats in my mind again and again, like a deep hypnotic trap which has me in its grip.
I feel like crying and pulling the covers back over my head and staying in bed for eternity.
Anyone else feel like this lately?
We are not alone. This is entirely normal in times of uncertainty and turmoil.
This is an example of being stuck in the ‘me’ trap — stuck inside our own mind — and it is not a fun or useful place to be.
One way we can get out of the ‘me’ trap is to shift our focus. To realise, life isn’t centred around just ourselves, our family or our little bubble.
We can take our power back & create a sense of certainty for our future by creating awareness of what is needed in the world around us — people worldwide are longing for safety, security and belonging, just like we are! Our success in the future will depend upon our ability to make something that people want to embrace, use, buy, talk about, share and maybe even love. The changing world we find ourselves in demands that we must move away from mass consumption, and move towards being creators.
Our job is to get clear on what the specific value or desires looks, feels and sounds like in the hearts & minds of the people whom we seek to create something for.
Then to start by getting clear on the specific capabilities we have which the world needs right now — remembering people are seeking the sense of feeling safe, secure and that they belong somewhere.
What are the ways we can fulfil these needs? What kind of value can we create for other people using our awareness and capabilities?
Let’s ask ourselves:
Who do we seek to be of service to?
How can we serve other people? What value can we create?
How can we make other people feel safer & more secure or give them a place where they belong?
What might this look like for you? Examples of needs in the world right now include:
Parents, who find themselves homeschooling — do they have what they need to do the ‘job’? Do they even know what this is? Can we provide tools, strategies or resources to help?
Employees or employer who finds themselves suddenly in the midst of remote work challenges. Can we provide tools, strategies or resources?
These are two immediate global needs — but there are hundreds.
The world needs real-life heroes now, and we can become them by asking questions, using our imaginations and creating products or services which become meaningful in the lives of those who week seek to serve.