Before we breathe our final breath.
We have all made them at one time or another.
Promises made with all our sincerity;
With our best intentions.
But due to external events in the world~
Life coming up,
We get busy and don’t follow through,
And it feels like,
They just weren’t meant to be.
Unless we are truly committed to making our promises a priority,
Or we make our word a must to follow through on,
Someday, one day, vague promises,
We must catchup, or
Let’s do this again soon,
Are just lip service.
Worth nothing,
Until the day they may become our bitter regrets.
Regrets that we didn’t take action,
And now our time is simply up.
None of us knows what life holds for us in the future.
No days are promised to us,
And after a string of seemingly random events,
Which make up the fabric and existence that we call our lives,
One of them will be our last,
When we will breathe our final breath.
Our random choices lead to preferences.
Our preferences lead to more time spent focusing on an area.
Time spent on any area leads to the development of habits, and identity—
who we see ourself to be in the world.
They also lead to our social groups and the environments we find ourselves in.
Habits, time invested, social circles, social networks and identity lead to the development of greater skill sets and talents.
Those who are more talented, skilled and have larger networks lead to more significant opportunities, income and resources.
This paints a Jackson Pollock type painting,
Which turns out to be the life we have lived on the planet, and
Leads us to become the person we somehow decide we were born to be.
We grow,
We move on as new opportunities arise in our future.
It all begins with our arbitrary choices and decisions about our preferences~
What we come to believe we like more than something else,
As this shapes everything, right down to promises and our regrets.
Even the most desperate moments in our life are so very wonderful.
Only a lucky few realise the gifts they have been given.
Most people just go on day after day,
Never realising what a true, beautiful gift it is to be alive,
Even in the darkest of our moments.
To have choices;
To be able to choose what we obsess over,
And focus on.
To be able to pivot,
And to have freedom; and
Freedom to choose a different path at any given moment.