Can you focus on one thing only on social media for an entire month?
1 min readMay 18, 2021
I heard this great idea today.
Well, it was more of a question than an idea.
Can you focus on ONE thing only on social media for ONE month?
And post about only that.
No one cares that you had a salad for lunch. No one needs to see pics of your lettuce leaves.
Forget about pictures of your cat.
Or your kid.
If you had to choose one thing, and it was going across all platforms, what would you choose? And why?
And could you stick with it?
It seems simple, but this is by no means easy.
I’m up for the challenge 100%; whatever will I choose? And why? My brain is in total curious, play and explore mode.
It requires focus. It requires forethought.
It will require presence, keeping focused and uncomfortable action.