Commitment: The contract we make with ourselves.
Keeping our promises with others creates trust and is the cornerstone to building strong relationships. Most of us know that, right? So what does it mean to be committed to creating something in our own life? To be committed to achieving a goal, outcome or objective?
Commitment is a contract that we make with ourselves to keep our promises. Keeping promises we make to ourself builds integrity, energy and self-esteem. We make ourselves feel safe, feel secure, feel certain.
There is a difference between being interested and being committed.
When we are interested in doing something, we do it only when it’s convenient — we say things like I’ll try; I’ll try and do that. When we are committed to something, we accept no excuses; we demand and prioritise specific action and notice the results that action brings. If we are committed to our goal, we make it the priority and allocate resources, energy and time for action on that specific goal. We are accountable and ask things like What can I do to get that result? What more can I do?.
Do you know why most people don’t commit? They are busy looking for the easy way. They are asking things like How can I do the least?. Until one is committed, there is the chance to back out, to drop it, to decide it is too hard, and we would rather focus on something else. When we are committed, are relentless in our pursuit of the goal. Obstacles don’t take us out of the game; instead, they become our precious learning opportunities.
Design (Design specific proven result-oriented Action, Mindset, Strategies, Habits & Behaviours).
The essentials to becoming committed & creating Safety & Security; To attaining our goals, games, objectives, outcomes and aspirations:
Choose a goal that is aligned with our big picture priorities — when it’s really important; we make time for it.
Decide! Choose! Define it specifically.
Vividly visualise the successful outcome complete — see and feel yourself with the goal already realised and don’t let fears and doubts cloud your mind. Keep the objective in front of mind. Declare it publicly.
Design specific proved result-oriented action, strategies, habits and behaviours, using models maxims and methodologies.
Manage our mindset; every day, all day. Focus on resilience and reframing every failure as a learning opportunity.
Make action towards the goal a part of our daily routines.
More on how to do this throughout the week!
To me, commitment is doing what I said I would do, how I said I would do it, by when I said I would do it, with the tools, resources and capabilities I have. It is getting real about what environment I am in, what I can control & what I can’t with the skills I have right now. What does it mean to you?