Creating Saftey & Security for our future… where do we begin?
What is at the core of creating safety and security for our future, and the future of those whom we love?
How can we generate the feeling of being in control of our own lives?
To be ok with feeling uncertainty and discomfort?
This is not achieved by setting goals alone.
This is not achieved by how we manage our time, our environment and our focus — although these elements are essential.
While there may be many answers to this question, the solution we can start with today is practice. Purposeful practice.
Making a commitment.
Creating a massive action plan of all the ways in which we could get there.
Then choosing one single behaviour to take — one that is easy and fun to do, and that we have the skill & capability to do, you know, in real life.
Choose ONE repeatable action, then do it over and over, each and every day. We start creating the feeling of safety & security by applying all that we know. Practice — it is the key. Repetition reaps rewards.
It doesn’t matter how smart we are, or how much we know if we don’t use it.
Let’s make a commitment.
Apply our knowledge.
Thoughtfully choose a behaviour — one single action.
Execute consistent, purposeful practice and repetition daily — by doing something over and over — aka Binge Practice Daily.
Study our results; Notice what we are getting.
Ask the follow-up question: Are we getting what we’re trying to achieve?
Then refine our approach depending on the answer.