Do you remember those ‘choose your own adventure books’ you read as a child?
Do you remember those ‘choose your own adventure books’ you read as a child? They moved me — that was it; I knew this is how I would live my life and encourage others to do the same. I’ve spent my life making everyday moments into magnificent adventures, and sharing how to see the world this way with others — to live in wonderment and possibility.
So, if I could tell you stories, that you knew were based on real-life, what would you want to hear? I’ve had a very coloured life. Sometimes, like today, I just don’t know where to begin.
From loss, love, violence, gangs, prison, the Playboy Mansion, working for fortune 500 companies in tech, being an international grid girl — I’ve done it. I’ve grown up with two unconventional hippie parents living in a bus and off the grid, growing and hunting our own food. My first job as an employee was a nurse aid at a rest home at age 14. I’ve worked with people with Alzheimer’s. I’ve travelled to at least 30 countries over the past few years. I’ve lost a parent, had another go to prison, had one of my best friends die. I learned sign language at five years old, started my first company at age 7, I’ve been on reality TV shows, was a glamour model in my 20’s, I’m an avid reader (read at least a book a week), and well, I write. I’m obsessed with measuring stuff, and right now it is genomic, and DNA everything & sensory data. When I hear music, my body responds, and I choreograph dances inside my head — every, single, day. I’ve studied at Fine Art School, Art History, Dance, Business at Harvard. I’ve been doing integrative wellness for 12+ years, including fasting, detoxing, measuring blood & ketone, taking supplements (based on blood work) all with professionals. I started eating Paleo in 2012. I’ve done so much professional therapy, and I’m a massive advocate in taking care of your mental health, my personal journey began at age 20 — I’m very proud to say — thanks to Napoleon Hill. I see goal setting and “therapy” (aka problem or puzzle-solving) as the same thing. I’m kind of obsessed with microbiome right now.
The past few years have been hard, dealing with a brain injury, head injury, collapsed spine and recovering from being physically and sexually assaulted. And not just once. Living this lesson on two occasions in three months. On my own. When the very thing I love the most about myself(my brain) was out of action, I couldn’t figure out how to solve my own problems* (this was a first, I’m on the planet as a problem solver, so this was soooo hard for me!). I left this until last as this is the most raw and was something I found really, really hard. For whatever reason, this period of my life is still incredibly hard to talk about without freezing up. I stopped dating during this, that was so weird, but I’ve always loved my own company. From not dating, I fell in love with feeling whole, complete and perfect as I am — colourful, flawed, damaged, raw, fun, intense. I do not need another human to fulfil anything. I never feel lonely anymore, that is such a blessing.
I’ve recently moved internationally to restart my life with my senior cat — Adventure Cat, and we have been having a whirlwind of time stepping in and creating our new life. I had no plan, it has been all exploration and living in the moment, trying things and lifestyle experiments, because I can, and it is fantastic (I will write about this stuff, super useful).
Why am I sharing this? I want to write about things which move you to action, which make your life better, and you feel happier. Which help heal past hurts, which help you to see things in a new way. The kind of work I want to do connects people, brings families & relationships back together, which helps you feel healed and whole —
You are whole, complete and perfect as you are.
I’m committed to being the co-creator of ‘aha’ and lightbulb moments and asking questions to shift perspectives and the way we experience the world. I am a stand in the world for freedom, self-expression, kindness and love.