Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish things were easier; wish to be better.
It is not what has happened to us which defines us,
It is what we make it mean,
And what we choose to do next,
Which matters.
Nor is not where we are today that we should be judged by,
But instead,
It is where we choose to go now, which counts;
Despite not knowing how we will get there,
Despite not knowing how we will possibly make it happen, and
Despite a lack of certainty around everything going on in the world today.
Life challenges us when we stop growing.
We commonly call these challenges stress,
Bad luck,
Tragedies, drama
Things going wrong.
I like to think of them as puzzles,
Learning moments and
As opportunities in disguise.
Life gifts us these challenges,
To make us grow,
Especially when we have no desire to,
Or when we are stuck in ‘comfort zone’.
It is time to stop spending all our time managing our day to day,
And our circumstances.
It is time to focus on what we want,
And take control;
To become the creators of our lives and destinies again.
That means making decisions we are uncertain about,
That we may be uncomfortable with.
But knowing,
With faith and certainty,
That if we commit to it — genuinely commit,
That we will ultimately deliver,
That we will find a way,
To get things done,
To follow through,
To keep our promises,
To honour our word,
To showcase integrity in an uncertain world.
These are things we have the power to do,
Regardless of what is happening in the outside world.
Whether we believe we can,
Or believe we can’t,
We are right.
And what if what we do doesn’t work?
We can pivot and try again,
Find another way.
And if that doesn’t work?
Try another approach.
Be curious, exploratory, inquisitive,
Become unstoppable, fluid and flexible.
Be agile and commit to never-ending improvement.