Every day, business leaders make this mistake that costs them money.

Are you one of them?

Kristy Bertenshaw
2 min readMay 25, 2021

Every day, many business leaders make a mistake that costs them money: they don’t clearly explain what their company does. Or what they do.
To be successful, we must be able to consistently articulate, live and lead with our story. But where do we start? You’ve probably searched your competitor's websites and bookmarked websites and pages you admire, but that hasn’t helped you craft yours because each of our stories is unique.

Every one of us, regardless of where we were born, how we were brought up, how many setbacks we have endured or privileges we have been afforded, have been conditioned to compete.
We have been conditioned to win.
To try and be the best.
To be unique and different.

And yet, the people who create fulfilling lives and careers, the ones we respect, admire and try to emulate, often choose a different path to create their successes.
They have a powerful sense of identity. They know who they are.
And they share their real, honest, authentic story, where most of us try and figure out the right story to tell.

Photo by Rain Bennett on Unsplash

Start with Identity

If you could be anyone at all, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
How about professionally — who would you be in a business context?
If you could wave a magic wand, whose professional career life would you claim for your own?
Think about waking up, dressing, doing the work, taking action, who you would become, as well as money, stuff, significance, and the success you’ll get. Focus on what drives you.
Now, who would you choose? This is the starting point for creating an alter ego or identity to live into.

The secret of excellent web copy or telling your story well

We connect with our customers through the stories we tell. The secret of great content or copy is it’s less about you or your company and more about the reader and prospective customer or client and their wants and needs. If we get obsessed with our customer, with their wishes, needs, desires, with serving them better than anyone else in the marketplace, with knowing all we can learn about them.

The bottom line—
Get obsessed with your customer and delivering value. Make them the hero in your story.
Have a strong sense of your identity, and if it’s not serving you, create a new one; an alter ego.
Know that it’s costing you money and eroding your value if you’re not doing this.



Kristy Bertenshaw
Kristy Bertenshaw

Written by Kristy Bertenshaw

I love to write bite-sized stories, essays & poetry. Revenue Generation & Growth Specialist | Passionate About Using Technology & Storytelling to Drive Results.

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