Feel stuck & like you’re wasting your life? Get unstuck in two simple steps using the power of quality questions.
Do you often feel stuck, have brain fog, feel overwhelmed or anxious and don’t know what to do next?
Do you ever feel like you are coming up with solutions to problems which are not moving your life forward in the direction you want to go in?
Do you find yourself spending your time, energy, and resources finding the solutions to problems which, let’s be honest, are a waste of your time?
Do you think it is time to come up with better — more quality problems as we enter into 2020?
We when get stuck, we often think it is because we can’t find the right answers to our problems. My experience is that we often get stuck and stay that way because we aren’t asking the right questions, not because we don’t have the right answers.
In a world of exponential change and transition, answers and solutions to our problems are always changing; which means in 2020 we ought to consider a new way of thinking about our problems — one where Questions Are The Answer.
A problem put simply is an unanswered question, and most unanswered questions are unanswered because they are unasked.
We would all have better answers if we invested the time to design quality questions, and then actually allocated time to think about possible new solutions.
A quality question has two characteristics: it always simplifies the problem and makes it solvable, and will always expand the number of possibilities available to solve the problem or improve the situation.
For example, a great way to start a problem-solving question is
“How might I…..?”.
Here is an easy two-step method to get unstuck and create better solutions to your problems and outcomes, so you’re all set for the new year and new decade.
Step 1. Ask quality questions daily.
Step 2. Allocate thinking time daily.
Thinking Time is an amazing process I learnt from Keith Cunningham in November 2018, and I’ve used it consistently through-out 2019. It has quite literally transformed my life in terms of how I start my day over the past 12 months, and now I’m sharing it with you! In 2019 I applied thinking time to my personal life to make massive traction, and 2020 will be about applying this professionally. So, what is Thinking Time?
Thinking Time is preparing a quality question before you sit down to think. Then, actually setting aside time to think about the new question you have developed, and then doing it — taking action. That’s it — it is literally this easy, yet how many people do you know who chat about their thinking time rituals?
Here are a few of my personal favourites quality questions to get you started:
What is the question I need to develop to help me find a better solution?
Why isn’t this problem already solved?
“How might I….?”.
What are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th level of consequences for myself and others from taking this action?
Does this honour my principles, beliefs and values?
Does this feel like it is still all too much to get started? As a Tiny Habits© Expert and Certified Coach I’ll be breaking down rituals, routines and strategies like these — Thinking Time & Quality Questions — and designing them as single actions and behaviours which you can do in 30-seconds or less each day, called Tiny Habit© Recipes. More on Tiny Habits© and Behaviour Design© tomorrow!
What are some quality questions you have come up with so far to use at Thinking Time to frame the new year, a new decade, your new outcomes, goals and new aspirations? Feel free to post your comments below or use the #qualityquestions2020 and #tinyhabitsthinkingtime on social media. I consider myself somewhat of a questionologist, so I look forward to seeing what you come up with!