How I lost 25lb without going to the gym or dieting, and how you can too.

Want to lose weight? And keep it off?

Kristy Bertenshaw
4 min readApr 23, 2021

I gained weight because I forgot how to eat well and exercise.
Said no one ever.

Every weight loss program, no matter how positively it’s packaged, whispers to us that we are not right.
That we are not good enough.
That we are not unacceptable as we are;
We are broken;
We need to be fixed.

Fundamentally, you are whole, complete and perfect as you are.
You are not broken.
You do not need fixing.
However, there might be some behaviours — conscious or unconscious — which are unworkable for specific aspirations and outcomes.
For these things which you desire, and deserve.

Derek Sivers — ‘If more information were the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.’

I really want to eat that delicious cupcake, and I really want to lose some weight.
I really want to sleep in, but I also really want to stick to my plan and get up early to exercise.
Seem familiar?

We often want to reach our goal weight, fast. Like right now, like yesterday.
We are used to instant gratification and getting what we want in an instant, we can forget that some things do take time and consistency.
So we vow to go to the gym for 2 hours every single day.
Or promise ourselves to lose 10kg or 20lb by the end of the month.
Taking this approach to weight loss simply won’t work.
Drastic, over-the-top plans won’t take us to our goals.

Instead, take small steps toward a realistic goal.
They will keep us moving steadily forward. Consistency is key!
It may take longer than we would like, but we are much more likely to stick with our plan.

So, where do we focus our time and energy, if it’s not on going to the gym or dieting?

Focus on Creating Success Momentum

Rather than doing one big thing once, do small things lots of times. This gives us lots of small opportunities for success, which is actually more important than one opportunity for larger success.

“It’s the frequency of success, not the size of success, that matters.” Dr BJ Fogg

Swap it, don’t stop it

Instead of thinking I shouldn’t have x, replace it with something more nourishing—that will help achieve your aspiration or outcome.

For example, I love cake. Period. I crave it. But my tummy used to look like I ate cake too. See below.
So, rather than making myself wrong, I got curious about what I could try instead.
Instead of cakes or cookies, try protein cookies or protein bars.
Replace them in your pantry.
Swap, don’t stop!
I love Justine’s Cookies. Yum!!!!

My Results—Using the Tiny Habits Method. Left to Right—2019, 2020, 2021

Focus on making things tiny

Tiny is mighty, at least when it comes to behaviour change.
Tiny is easy. Tiny is fast. Tiny is safe.
Making it tiny means we can start now.
If you would like to learn the Tiny Habits Method, feel free to enrol in one of my free 5-day programmes — I’m a Tiny Habits Certified Coach. It’s through the Tiny Habits Method I reduced my body fat by 25lb & have kept it off.

Change can be easy and fun, and when you learn the Tiny Habits Method (by Dr BJ Fogg), you can change forever.

A Tiny Habit Recipe for movement, weight loss and drinking more water.
After I pour a glass of water (trailing edge putting down the water pitcher), I will do a
happy, jiggly dance on the spot.
Frequency per day: Many times — I pour around eight glasses of water a day, so I get to practice this recipe about eight times which is so fun!
How long does it take to practice this recipe: about 10 seconds.
This is a wonderful at-home recipe you can use for fitness. It is also fabulous for all those who are away from home or on vacation.
Do you count your steps each day? My aim is always 12,000 — even if I don’t leave the house. I find that dancing on the spot also helps contribute to my step count, such a bonus!

Focus on Celebration

Celebration is how we make our habits automatic. We fire off the experience and feeling of positive emotions right after we practice our Tiny Habit Recipe — our new behaviour — or while we are doing it. Celebration is the best way to create a positive feeling that wires in your new habits. It teaches us how to be our own BBF and to be kind to ourselves.

Our decisions define us. Our actions define us. Our Habits define us.
So focusing on designing specific action is where we start.

What action will you choose to take now?



Kristy Bertenshaw
Kristy Bertenshaw

Written by Kristy Bertenshaw

I love to write bite-sized stories, essays & poetry. Revenue Generation & Growth Specialist | Passionate About Using Technology & Storytelling to Drive Results.

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