How the Serena Williams fist pump changed my life
And you can change yours too.
I love Mondays. It’s the day of the week that I get to design my new Tiny Habit Recipes for the week. The start of the week is a great time to press reset no matter what’s been happening in the past and get back on track. I like to check-in with myself to see if I’ve been getting the results I’ve desired, and if not, iterate, pivot and change course. With a new month coming up, the new season rapidly underway, it’s one of those times for me.
While I believe we can have everything we want in life, we can’t have it all at once, so it’s important to prioritise.
What’s important to you right now? What’s most important?
That’s where you can start.
I start with the fundamentals that support achieving results and outcomes.
I’m talking about energy, sleep, diet, water, meditation and exercise. My sleep, water intake & exercise regimes are on track, but meditation, energy and diet need a bit of love, attention and TLC.
Tiny Habits Recipe #1
Aspiration: Eat healthier, nourishing foods.
After I put my dishes in the dishwasher, I will record what I ate using the Keto Diet App.
I believe what we can measure, we can manage, and while recording is not strictly part of the Tiny Habits Method, it does make me feel empowered and good and like change is easy and possible when I notice what I’m doing, so it really works for me.
Tiny Habits Recipe #2
Aspiration: Increase my energy, vitality & aliveness while eliminating sugar.
After I feel my energy start to fade (in the afternoon), I will pour a glass of water and enjoy a protein cookie, bar or ball.
And celebrate with a Serena Williams fist pump.
Tiny Habit Recipe #3
Aspiration: Update my website
After I write my daily blog post, I will edit or post one item on my website.
And celebrate by thinking, I got this, I’m in action and smiling.
Our decisions define us. Our actions define us. Our Habits define us.
So focusing on designing specific action is where we start.
I recommend using the Tiny Habits Method to find the smallest, easiest change you can make that will have the biggest meaning to you.
The best way to learn the Tiny Habits Method is to get started practising immediately. Don’t wait.