How to tell if your cat is actually part Savannah wildcat.
Meet Princess aka Lamb Chop. She’s a La Perm Rex, and the best description of her I’ve had is she looks like the backside of velcro. When she meows, she sounds like she is saying ‘Yarrr’ — like a pirate — and I’ve long thought she must be a part wildcat by her pesky yet totally adorable behaviour.
Our fur babies are our family, and for me during iso, my cat has become my work colleague, housemate and social circle too… embarrassingly.
Although no one knows your cat like you, you’d be amazed by what you can learn from their genetics. Why does it matter? It helps cat owners learn about our fur child’s breed, health, traits, and habits — all with just a bit of DNA, collected at home.
I believe what we can measure, we can not only manage, but we can move. It’s a principle I’ve been living by for decades.
As an avid practitioner of proactive healthcare for myself, I use an Oura ring, I measure my microbiome using Viome, and I count my macros (using an app). I’ve been taking supplements and practicing integrative wellness for nearly two decades. I’m also a serial customer of Health Nucleus (I’ve had my genome decoded etc.)
I treat my wellbeing as if my life depends on it — because it does.
I also do this for my little meowy monster. She’s 14, and I’ve wanted to pre-emptively know if I could expect health issues to arise so I can adjust her lifestyle accordingly, so she is around as long as possible.
Different breeds.
Different needs.
Every cat is unique.
Get to know yours better with a cat DNA Test.
The technology is here now using BasePaws. When I saw they had an offer to do this for only $99 at the moment, I had to write about it. I’m not affiliated with them, I just reaalllyyyy love cats and wanted to share their fantastic work in the world.
The insights are amazing, and it is the coolest thing ever when you find out your cat is healthy AND she’s basically a Savannah wild cat*.
*OK, I’m exaggerating, but you get the point.
For all my fellow kitty lovers out there, be sure to check them out. You have the power to make sure your little companion is around as long as possible!