How to thrive—even when you are sick, or worse…
Who else has big plans for the weekend? It’s been a week — I’ve not been feeling very well for a few days, so I’ve been having a bunch of tests & scans done—definitely not what I had planned. But that’s what life is right? What comes up while we are busy making plans. And while I can’t control it, or my energy levels, I can control what I feed my body and mind, and do the best I can in an unexpected tricky situation.
I gave myself the freedom to sleep a lot, take a couple of days off exercise, and watch reruns an old show I love. To have super early nights and daytime naps. To take time to nourish and rejuvenate while figuring out how to get better quickly, waiting for meds to work, scans and tests results to come back in.
It will be a low key weekend too, and I plan to enjoy every minute of downtime I can!