I wish I had of kept my mouth shut, or do I?

Kristy Bertenshaw
2 min readNov 11, 2020


Lucky I didn’t make the comment to him on suicide Tuesday. I wasn’t expecting the plethora of messages that came back from my one little sentence. Sure, it was a bit of a tongue and cheek, but it was meant to be witty. I never expected the comment to arouse such commentary. I wish I had kept my mouth shut. Or do I? The thing is, underneath the humour I wasn’t entirely happy. Not unhappy either; but not content with the status quo, and yet not wanting to upset him by having a talk. So what then was the problem? My standards in life weren’t being met.

This doesn’t make him wrong or a bad person. He is whole, complete and perfect as he is. It’s just that I want more. I need more.
My standards are higher than what I’m getting, and I’m unwilling to lower them.

Don’t lower your standards to match the conditions of your life.
Raise the conditions in your life to match your standards.
Don’t make anyone else wrong for not having the same standards as you—never look down on others.
Have self-respect and respect for others, simultaneously.
Have kindness, compassion and love.
Have poise, dignity, grace and empathy.

That said, what if things are workable as they are?

The number one thing that is going to change our lives—
The only thing that will change our


All of us in life have things which we want.
We don’t get what we want.
We get what we have to have.
We get what we are willing to tolerate —
Within ourselves;
Within other people.

When we are no longer willing to tolerate something.
That’s when our lives change.

Everyone in the world has a list of things they think they should do.
We think things like
I should lose weight.
I should workout daily.
I should track my spending.
I should cut out junk food.
I should speak up when I feel I’m not honest.
I should spend more time with my family.
I should make more business calls.
I should…
I should…
I should…

We don’t do our shoulds.
We change when our shoulds become our musts.
When what should happen, must happen.
When it has to happen.
That’s when things change.
That’s when our lives change.



Kristy Bertenshaw
Kristy Bertenshaw

Written by Kristy Bertenshaw

I love to write bite-sized stories, essays & poetry. Revenue Generation & Growth Specialist | Passionate About Using Technology & Storytelling to Drive Results.

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