Leadership starts with a party of one, ourselves.
We never have to be great to start, but we have to start to be great.
Every day is a blank canvas.
A unique opportunity to explore who we are.
To strive to get 1% better in some area of our lives.
Continuous, never-ending improvement.
We all have a comfort zone—
No learning goes on in our comfort zone;
Rarely do we improve here, either.
When we chose to improve ourselves, we are a leader—
A leader of a really tiny party of one, of ourselves.
The truth is if we can’t influence our own behaviour, how are we ever going to influence anyone else—with the same behaviour at least?
Leadership starts at home.
Leadership starts with a party of one—ourselves.
Leadership is accountability.
Leadership is raising our standards.
Leadership is living beyond our comfort zone.
Leadership is something we can practice, on the daily, starting in the mirror.
Want to make a change?
Want to make a difference in the world?
Start at home.