Looking for your next opportunity? Here are two simple ways to get started right now.
Sometimes the opportunity for something great,
Comes from something small.
We just need to keep our eyes open.
Opportunities are around us all day, every day.
Do you know what we frequently call them?
Our problems.
Our frustrations.
Our challenges.
The stuff that’s not working.
If something isn’t working for you, it’s likely not working for someone else, so there is the possibility of a micro-market opportunity here (or bigger).
Can’t think of anything specifically right now?
That’s cool. I invite your mind to take notice from this point onward.
Make a note. Reframe your problems into opportunities.
Not sure how; DM me.
In the meantime, here are some opportunities and where to find them right now.
21 meaningful, trend-driven innovation opportunities for 2021.
Growth Opportunities for Business (according to HubSpot).
The 23 Most Profitable Business Opportunities in 2021 on Shopify.