Mind-blowing tingling, prickling & crime shows, and how they can change your life.
I love watching episodes of old TV shows. The flavour of the month is episodes of the original Law & Order that I’ve never seen before. I like to see how far we have come. I like looking at the makeup and outfits we wore in the ’90s and 2000s on crime shows. I find nostalgia inspiring and detective shows make me want to treat my life like I’m a detective and discover something new.
I must have been sitting funny as my foot went to sleep and I hadn’t noticed. I did notice the sun setting outside and decided it was time to close up the house. I nearly fell on my butt as I stood up — my foot was completely numb. In fact, it felt like I was suddenly one-legged and walking on someone else’s leg. I couldn’t help but laugh as I walked up the long white hallway to shut the front door. By the time I reached my bedroom and went to close the curtain I realised I had made a grave mistake. I numbness had turned into pins and needles, and it was no longer in my foot, but all the way up my calf, shins, hamstring and right up to my hip. I mean seriously, hip pins and needles? This is not the dream. More importantly, how didn’t I notice what was going on in my own body? And if I failed to notice this, how much else am I failing to notice in life?
The thought turned my stomach.
When I hear a particular word,
Or have a thought or feeling and my stop does flips, I know there is something to pay attention to.
For me, I notice stuff more when it doesn’t feel good. When it feels painful. Or makes me feel sick.
I notice things when it’s excitement or butterflies.
Like when I first start dating someone.
Or when I’m anticipating something exciting in the future.