Mindset and the Rona
Your #mindset is your most important tool during the COVID-19 pandemic. Making sure you are consuming the right information is critical to maintaining that mindset. But what are we supposed to do if we feel we are drowning in information and opinions about #COVID-19? If we are sick of all the negativity, biased points of view, conflicting information and wonder what is actually happening in the real world, right now? One of the best things I did was to turn off all notifications and unfollow everything but Futureloop. FutureLoop offers “Data-Driven Optimism.”
FutureLoop’s machine learning algorithms scrape the world’s news and social feeds each day to deliver you a single comprehensive update on the impact of converging exponential technologies (AI, Robotics, Drones, Cellular medicine, CRISPR, Networks & Sensors) on the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you participate, FutureLoop will update you every day on the latest breakthroughs in detection, prevention & cure of the COVID-19. This product is still in Beta, but it’s powerful, high-quality info, and it’s fun and free.
You can subscribe in less than 20 seconds here.