Rest in paradise, old friend.
I’m an ugly crier. But looking vampiresque, red-eyed, puffy, swollen and having a heavy heart are the least of my worries.
An old friend of mine died on my Dad’s birthday last week, and we were estranged at the time. And by old I mean someone I’ve known for multiple decades, he was only 38-years young.
I am not someone who believes in regrets for the most part, but I do regret not having reconnected while we still had the chance.
I thought we had more time, so I left it. I’m not proud of this, and I’ll have to live with that choice forever. However, I never stopped loving or caring for him. I did have the great fortune to be an ocean away and to attend his funeral still today via live stream, for which I’m incredibly grateful. Immediately after the funeral, I ordered baby back ribs (his favourite I learned) and wings & had a drink in his honour. The man was truly loved.
My thoughts, and so much empathy and love are with his parents, his family and his friends right now.
Death and Loss.
This situation got me to thinking about the importance of having connected, quality relationships in our lives, and a few questions came to mind that I’ll leave you with.