Self-care vs being self-centred; What’s the difference?
Our most precious gift is our brain. It filters the way we see the world, allows us to think, feel, function, learn, love, create, be, see and do.
Our brains need fuel and exercise to function optionally. They also need time to reset in service of productivity and output — our ability to produce and generate results. I’ve seen the #selfcare hashtag become hugely popular on social media this year, but what is self-care, really?
Being selfish is putting our own needs ahead of others, often to their detriment.
Being selfless is putting others needs ahead of our own, often to our own detriment.
Practicing self-care is recognising and responding to our unique needs while considering the impact on others.
One way we could think about self-care is to ask ourselves, what is our self-care specifically in service of?
Self-care isn’t just drinking enough water each day, doing facials, or having ‘me-time.’
If our brain controls our perception and reality and touches all other aspects of our lives, couldn’t it be useful to focus on self-care in service of our beautiful minds?