Skills vs Talent
Talent is something we are born with.
Skills are something we earn — with focus, commitment, practice and self-discipline. With our daily habits, behaviours and actions.
The skill of learning, practice and acquiring skills is a lifelong competitive advantage. One hundred hours will give us a skill, 1000 hours will make us an expert, 10,000 hours of practice will make us world-class.
If we dedicated 20 hours per week, we could easily proficiently learn a new skill in the next five weeks, be a specialist by the end of 2020 and be an expert during 2021. We are often so busy getting through life and going through the daily motions that we fail to prioritise learning the skills today which will build our future tomorrow. This is a time in our lives when we all need to be thinking about this, yet few of us will commit to doing it; to doing the work.