Superstition, the holidays, foolishness and all that.
The Holidays bring about it that time of year, where we are often surrounded by whingers, whiners, winos, braggarts and the odd pervert and the like masquerading as friends, family, randoms or even our reflection in the mirror. It’s the time where we can end up getting ourselves into tricky situations, fabulous fun, and sometimes the most shaming experiences of our life.
Sadly with COVID-19, the usual travel and galavanting are out the window for the semi-foreseeable future, most of my friends are in other countries, borders closed, so I find my life is a bit more mundane than what I’m used to at the moment (sidenote: I’m not complaining; life here in Australia has an air of freedom, and I feel luckier than so many others, or other places in the world). So what’s a lady to do? Practice. Practice my writing for the sake of practice. Practice what I want to get better at—the Art of Storytelling. And making sure my life is sorted, organised, and designed and continually set up for productivity and to achieve my outcomes in the year ahead.
As the seasonal festivities draw to a close and life returns to normal, the question of when to take our Christmas tree down is one that draws debate, especially when we have the whole fake vs real thing tree to consider. And superstition, of course. I mean, does it really cause bad luck to take it down early? For many, the definitive date and any time beyond signals lousy luck to come. If we believe so, it’s likely to cause something which occurs to us as bad, regardless of where the origins of the superstition are from, and we can’t afford any more crap to go awry after the 2020 most of us have experienced.
If you’re like me, you follow the tradition of waiting twelve days after Christmas or the twelfth night which makes it to the 5th of January 2021 (or today) to pull apart the house and take down the decor which has taken an eternity to set up. As I’m living in a new place with little to no storage, the question of where to put everything was not one I thought about before I went on a pre-Christmas spending spree, and today, I’m certainly glad I didn’t go that overboard.
Whatever you believe, fellow Christmas lovers, I hope you enjoy the process of wrapping up for another near 11-ish months and can make it into a ritual or process with the family. Pack down with love, store away, and think about how to spruce up the spaces in your home to get stuff done—specific things you want to achieve—to create and generate your energy, vitality and results for 2021. Come at life from the mind of a designer and creator, not just a checklist of getting stuff away, and it can be quite the experience sorting and putting stuff away. Make it fun, an experience, and a little adventure to clean up 2020 with a bit of love, and set up your space for 2021. Enjoy!