Taking time to recharge & press reset; New month, new season, let’s go!
“There are a half-dozen things that make 80% of the difference…A half-dozen things. Whether we are working to improve our health, wealth, personal achievement, or professional enterprise, the difference between triumphant success and bitter failure lies in the degree of our commitment to seek out, study, and apply those half-dozen things.” Jim Rohn
I love the chance to start fresh, to reset, to change or pivot.
The start of the month and the start of the of a new season only happen four times a year; they both happen to be right now.
We can use these to symbolically reset from our past choices & behaviours and create a space for new outcomes & goals, regardless of any undesirable decisions and actions we have made which have left us feeling uninspired and guilty.
Where could we start? We could ask ourselves what are the half-dozen things in our own lives we can focus on that would make 80% of the difference to improve our health & wellbeing, finances & income, career & job, and in service of those we love?