Upgrade how you see yourself each time you learn something new.
How often do you hear, see or learn something new, then fail to apply it?
Even though it’s a useful idea—something that would totally help you achieve your goals and be successful.
Even though if you applied what you learned, it could transform your life?
One of the strongest needs of a human being is to remain consistent with how we identify ourselves.
If you’re identifying with an outdated version of yourself,
And learning new skills, ideas and capabilities,
That need to stay consistent with the old version of you will often be stronger than the new information or stuff you just learned.
Old Self vs New Self.
When we are upgrading our skills and capabilities, or goals, or our world view, we need to upgrade how we see ourselves at the same time. We can do that quickly and easily, by asking ourselves a few quality questions, and then taking action to implement the answers.
Ask yourself:
What actions, rituals, and habits do you need have to support you showing up consistently on a daily basis as upgraded you?
Is your environment designed to support the results upgraded you is going to achieve?
Is your life designed so that you can act in alignment with upgraded you—who you really are?
What kind of decision-maker do you need to be, to be upgraded you?
What kind of energy does upgraded you need to have?