Want wealth? Here’s how to get it now.
I had the worst anxiety this morning for no apparent reason. My body trembled, my hands shook, my chest felt tight, and my stomach did tiny flips.
Nothing was wrong; I was on time. I have been keeping my commitments and honouring my word.
I decided to get some fresh air, do an intense workout, explode with energy, loads of deep breathing, and move through emotion—emotion is energy in motion after all.
Nope, that didn’t work; the anxiety was still there. I showered, it remained.
I had to prepare for a meeting, regardless of the angst. I started thinking about all the points I needed to deliver and got lost in my work.
The meeting went ahead, and I forgot all about having anxiety, and my body returned to normal.
The meeting I had, had meaning to me. It was a part of my work I live for and enjoy, as I know the result is making peoples lives better. Serving. Making a difference. Which got me to thinking, how can I make all of my work life this way? Is this the solution? Could it be a solution for anxiety sufferers?
And if so, how can we all live our idealistic values, dream, design and create our work lives for fulfilment?
What does it mean to you to have a meaningful life?
Is it a mission-based life, like it is for me?
Is it a life full of health and wealth —
Or true wealth?
And what is true wealth?
When we focus on someone else’s needs instead of our own.
When we get to feel so alive by being a giver, a do-er, a creator, a teacher, a guide, a contributor, a value creator and of service to others.
True wealth is asking —
How can I help?
How can I grow?
What can I learn, apply and teach?
What can I give?
How can I serve?
True wealth comes from things that are meaningful, to us.
Listen to the language of your soul.
Things like anxiety always have a valuable message; that there is something to notice, something to pay attention to.
When we change our level of consciousness, we change our own experience of life, and then we can change the level of humanity that we stand for.