What are you prepared to do to change your life in 2021?
Improvements in our lives are only temporary until they become part of who we are; how we truly see ourselves.
Today is one of the days each year that people start making resolutions for the coming year.
Whether it is to be more, do more, have more, give more, get more,
They boil down to one thing —
Creating long term change, which lasts.
Do you make new years resolutions? Do you keep them?
To do this, you must desire the outcome — the results — more than you want to stay the same.
Whatever our resolutions are for 2021, we need to think about what we need to do to make them happen.
Do you need to change a thought pattern?
An old limiting belief?
Do you need to learn a new skill to increase competence?
Do you need more confidence?
Do you need to change your daily behaviour?
And your habits?
Do you need to change your peer groups? Or environment?
Alternatively, this year, instead of making new years resolutions, consider focusing on the identity you want to create.
The goal is not to read a book; the goal is to become a reader.
The goal is not to run a 10km or marathon; the goal is to become a runner.
The goal is not to learn an instrument; the goal is to become a musician.