What does it takes for you to come alive?
The woman that sits before her laptop now, grey sweat pants and all, watching the sunset and feeling the cool breeze pass by while typing away is so very different than the one who started this journey in January… the act of just putting pen to paper and sharing it — posting it — making it real has changed my life and how I see myself forever.
You see, I see myself as a writer. I know I’m not that great, YET.
But I know words and storytelling part of my ultimate destiny.
Somewhere lies a gift of helping others move through stuff as it comes up in life. I’ve known it since I was a little girl, but I was so afraid of not being perfect, that I’ve kept my writing all to myself for most of my life, until now.
2020 has been different.
I gave up being perfect for being authentic.
I gave up trying to look good,
Or look like I’m already a master at something — like I’m super skilled and have A-game,
For just putting any work into the world.
I became proud of taking imperfect action.
What does it take for you to come alive?
For the inner part of your soul to scream, rejoice & celebrate?
Heading into 2021, I’m thinking about energy, vitality & aliveness at all levels.
Spirit and
And giving thanks for everything. For it all.
Thanks for the wins,
The losses,
The trials & tribulations,
The triumphs,
The highs,
The lows,
And especially all of the messy middles.
Even though I know, I have so very far still to go on this journey.
It’s one of the best choices I’ve ever made.
Even if no one reads it yet, if, at some point, these words help someone in the world, then I’m living my destiny.
How cool is that???
What’s your very own version of this? That you’re proud to have done in 2020, just for you? Your work in the world?
Before starting anything new, it’s important to take stock of where we have been. Today is a great day to think about that as something fun we get to do while on our holidays.
Happy Holidays.
Hoping you had a very, Merry Christmas
and wishing you a very, very
Happy New Year,
Filled with so much love!!