What questions would Carrie Bradshaw be asking if she was dating in the roaring ‘20s?
Whether your suddenly single, looking for a summer romance or getting back into the dating game after a long hiatus, where do you start to navigate the world of modern romance? Even though it has only been a year-ish for me, in a world changing exponentially, does one dating year today equal a dating-decade in the past? Does the show I loved so much — Sex & The City — in the still apply? Can we use any of the questions Carrie asked herself each episode to help us navigate dating in this new decade?
I loved SATC, it got me through a lot of funky times — from breakups to writer’s block to a general lack-lustre in life, here are some old goodies to bring sparkle to your back-to-work-after-the-holidays work week.
Were women in New York really giving up on love and throttling up on power?
(season:1 episode:1)
If models could cause otherwise rational individuals to crumble their presence, exactly how powerful was beauty?
(season:1 episode:2)
Is there a secret cold war between singles and marrieds?
(season:1 episode:3)
Are men in their twenties the new designer drug?
(season:1 episode:4)
Where’s the line between the professional girlfriend and just plain “professional”?
(season:1 episode:5)
How many of us out there are having great sex with people we’re ashamed to introduce to our friends?
(season:1 episode:6)
In a city like New York, with its infinite possibilities, has monogamy too much to expect?
(season:1 episode:7)
Were threesomes the new sexual frontier?
(season:1 episode:8)
In a city of great expectations, is it time to settle for what you can get?
(season:1 episode:9, side note: And now, this is a great question.)
As I watched Laney tear open a terry cloth baby bib with the same enthusiasm she once reserved for tearing off rock stars’ pants, I couldn’t help, but wonder, was I next? (season:1 episode:10“I couldn’t help but wonder”)
How often is normal?
(season:1 episode:11)
Are relationships the religion of the nineties?
(season:1 episode:12)
What are the break-up rules?
(season:2 episode:1)
Are there still certain things in a relationship one should never say?
(season:2 episode:2)
Are all men freaks?
(season:2 episode:3)
Is it better to fake it than be “alone”?
(season:2 episode:4)
Can a relationship bring you back to life?
(season:2 episode:5)
In a gravity-free world of “anything goes,” what constitutes cheating?
(season:2 episode:6)
In a city as cynical as New York, is it still possible to believe in love at first sight?
(season:2 episode:7)
Are we willing to believe anything to date?
(season:2 episode:8)
Can you change a man?
(season:2 episode:9)
Can we date outside of our caste?
(season:2 episode:10)
Are New Yorkers evolving past relationships?
(season:2 episode:11)
When it comes to relationships, how do you know when enough is enough?
(season:2 episode:12)
Do you have to play games to make a relationship work?
(season:2 episode:13)
We were all in fact, just dating the same person over and over again?
(season:2 episode:14)
When you date someone, how many people become emotionally involved? When you sleep with some, are screwing the family?
(season:2 episode:15.)
I got to thinking, if sex is a test, How do you know if you’re good in bed?
(season:2 episode:16)(Pansexual is mentioned)
Twenty-something girls: friend… or foe?
(season:2 episode:17)
Can you be a friend with an ex?
(season:2 episode:18)
Do women just want to be rescued?
(season:3 episode:1)
Can there be sex without politics?
(season:3 episode:2)
Are there women in New York who are just there to make us feel bad about ourselves?
(season:3 episode:3)
If we can take the best of the other sex and make it our own, has the opposite sex become obsolete?
(season:3 episode:4)
In a relationship, what are the “deal breakers”?
(season:3 episode:5)
Are we simply romantically challenged, or are we sluts?
(season:3 episode:6)
Do we need a drama to make a relationship work?
(season:3 episode:7)
Is timing everything?
(season:3 episode:8)
When it comes to relationships, is it smarter to follow your heart or your head?
(season:3 episode:9)
Can we have it all?
(season:3 episode:10)
Is sex ever safe?
(season:3 episode:11)
In a relationship, is honesty the best policy?
(season:3 episode:12)
No matter how far you travel or how much you run from it, can you ever really escape from your past?
(season:3 episode:13)
When it comes to bags, men, and cities, is it really what’s outside that counts?
(season:3 episode:14)
In today’s youth, obsessed with culture, are the women of my generation growing into mature, responsible adults, or are we thirty-four going on thirteen?
(season:3 episode:15)
Are we getting wiser, or just getting older?
(season:3 episode:16)
Is there such a thing as relationship karma?
(season:3 episode:17)
Could it be that the problem isn’t them, but the horror of horrors, is it us?
(season:3 episode:18)
Soul mates: Reality or torture device?
(season:4 episode:1)
Why is it that we can see our friends perfectly, but when it comes to ourselves, no matter how hard we look, do we ever see ourselves clearly?
(season:4 episode:2)
What really defines the relationship?
(season:4 episode:3)
What comes first, the chicken (the relationship) or the sex?
(season:4 episode:4)
When a relationship dies, do we ever give up the ghost, or are we forever hunted by the spirits of relationships past?
(season:4 episode:5)
In matters of love, do actions really speak louder than the words?
(season:4 episode:6)
Can you ever really forgive if you can’t forget?
(season:4 episode:7)
If giving a man the keys to your apartment means unlocking the door to home cooking and great sex, why were so many independent women?
(season:4 episode:8)
When does the art of compromise become comprising?
(season:4 episode:9)
Are men the women with balls?
(season:4 episode:10)
As we speed this endless road to the destination called “Who-We-Hope-to-Be” I can’t help but whine, are we there yet?
(season:4 episode:11)
In matters of love, how do you know when it’s right?
(season:4 episode:12)
When it comes to the relationship, what are we fighting for?
(season:4 episode:13)
To be a couple, do you have to put your single self to a shelf?
(season:4 episode:14)
…do we really want these things (marriage and children), or are we just programmed?
(season:4 episode:15)
At the end of yet another failed relationship,… you have to wonder, what’s it all worth?
(season:4 episode:16)
How much does a “father figure” figure?
(season:4 episode:17)
Can you make a mistake and miss your fate?
(season:4 episode:18)
Does that sense of adventure still flicker inside of us, or when it comes to being carefree single girls, have we missed the boat?
(season:5 episode:1)
What is the harm of in believing?
(season:5 episode:2)
If we know the house always wins, why gamble?
(season:5 episode:3)
If it is instantly clear that a person, a place, or even a profession is not for you, is it better to ignore your better judgement and read between the lines, or should you judge a book by its cover?
(season:5 episode:4)
Why do we let the one thing we don’t affect all the things we do have? why does one minus a plus one feel like it adds up to zero?
(season:5 episode:5)
When it comes to life and love, why do we believe our worst reviews?
(season:5 episode: 6)
Are we the new bachelors?
(season:5 episode:7)
Is a relationship a relationship without the Zsa Zsa Zsu?
(season:5 episode:8)
When it comes to financing and dating…, why do we keep investing?
(season:6 episode:1)
Why is it always something?
(season:6 episode: 2)
Can you get to a future if your past is present?
(season:6 episode:3)
When does criticism that’s constructive become deconstructive? Are there times when the ladies should just shut the fuck up?
(season:6 episode:4)
Are the men of today less threatened by woman’s power, or are they just acting?
(season:6 episode:5)
Do we need distance to get close?
(season:6 episode:6)
Do we search “lessons” to lessen the pain?
(season:6 episode:7)
When did it stop being fun and start being scary?
(season:6 episode:8)
When do we stop being free to be you and me?
(season:6 episode:9)
When it comes to matters of the heart, did we have it right in high school?
(season:6 episode:10)
Just how dangerous is an open heart?
(season:6 episode:11, side note: It depends on a relationship again.)
When will waiting for the one… be done?
(season:6 episode:12)
When it comes to men, even when we try to keep it light, how do we wind up in the dark?
(season:6 episode:13)
Have we become romance intolerant?
(season:6 episode:14)
Why are we should-ing all over ourselves?
(season:6 episode:15)
Denial: Friend… or foe?
(season:6 episode:16)
Without sharing your worlds, can even the hottest relationship stop cold?
(season:6 episode:17)
Is it some time to stop questioning?
(season:6 episode:18)