What really matters to you?
Interspecies Communication. It’s available now.
Here in Melbourne, we just got the announcement that we would enter our 6th lockdown.
Lockdown 6.0. Starting at 8 pm tonight for seven days.
How many COVID cases did we have today, you ask?
Three (that were not already in isolation).
There are such fears around this Delta strain, yet I tried to book a vaccine today and got rejected. Ouch.
No, sorry, you don’t make the cut.
Rejection is never fun, even if it’s by a doctor.
But you know who hardly ever rejects me?
My purry, furry little pesky kitty cat — who I’ve had the pleasure of having as my mini-side kick for 13 years.
Statistically speaking, cats over eight years old often have arthritis. And pain.
Mine is no exception. She’s been on medication for quite a few years.
I also give her fish oil twice a day, and TBH, she’s fussy with her brands of fish oil (she prefers Bioglan Krill Oil).
I digress, back to interspecies communication.
I swear I’ve always been able to tell what she’s thinking; I feel like I know.
It’s very female brained of me. But thinking we know—having a feeling or a sense of what’s real—is highly inaccurate, unreliable, and un-scientific.
We can often project our feelings and moods onto another person—like a looking glass or a mirror—yet still truly, madly, deeply think we are correct. But it’s just a feeling, a sense. And we aren’t necessarily right; even when it seems we are more often than not. That’s called correllation‚—something that happens at the same time as something else but is not related—not causation; causation being cause = effect; this caused that and is therefore related. The same rules apply to our fur children.
So if we care, and we don’t speak the same language, what do we do?
Use Tably.
If you had told me when I was younger, I would be able to communicate with my cat with some certainty and accuracy, even if it is just body language, and it was science-based, I would have said legit amaze-balls. And that’s what it is.
I’m using Tably, and it’s awesome!
Tably is an AI Camera App That Reveals Your Cat’s Mood.
Happier cats lead longer, healthier lives. Tably was designed to help you monitor your cat’s well-being by simply pointing your phone at their face. Tably analyses your cat real-time—with your camera, think cat selfie—and looks for the subtle clues your cat gives that let you know how they are doing.
Why do we need this? So we can catch issues before they turn into bigger problems. Obvs.
Also, you know who else lives longer, happier lives when taking care of their loved ones? US. YOU AND ME!