What would people miss about you if you were gone?
Who do you want to be seen as? In the eyes of yourself or others?
We all have this ideal self we are trying to project out into the world, in the hope that it will be mirrored right back and that is who we will see when we look at ourselves. Who we will really become.
It’s not your successes or failures that people will remember at the end. And for all of us, one day, there will be an end.
It is your character.
Your kindness.
Your stories,
Your tall tales, your cheeky yarns,
Your experiences and shared adventures.
It’s how you make other people feel,
How you help and contribute to others,
What you create and give,
And your unconditional love.
It is also your work —
But not your work in a way you may have been lead to think.
How many times have you gone to a funeral and said ‘That Beth, wow she sure did nail her figures for May 2019’ while shedding a tear? 0 times right?
It isn’t achieving your KPI’s or targets at the office type of work that I’m talking about.
So, what is your real work?
I think that is an excellent question, one which I’m asking myself today.
What is your art? What could you create?
What beauty, magic or endless wonder could you leave behind?
What is your real portfolio or collections you could contribute?
And for whom? Who matters to you?
Your legacy isn’t what you say it is — you don’t get to choose it.
It is what others say about you.
So, before tomorrow begins, think hard about
Who you will be,
What you will stand for,
What you will do,
Who you will help,
Whom you will love and
Who will love you?
Think about what your real work in the world will be.
Your daily actions make up the daily fabric of your life.
You Are What Do. Daily.
Do Meaningful Work each & every day, and share often.
Have Faith and an Open Heart.
Be able to say ‘I’ve done everything I could, I gave this my all’ and mean it.
And take time to reset and take care of your own business if you need it.
I’ve taken the past week to take care of some really big stuff, and feel incredibly blessed and grateful for the time and excited to share meaningful work, starting with this.