Where in the world does happiness live?
Sometimes feels elusive.
Where does it live?
Where can we find it?
When we haven’t any,
When we don’t feel it,
When the moments of the day,
Feel overwhelming;
When life feels like it’s a lot.
Does it live in our hearts?
Our minds?
Our memories?
If we look up once in a while,
If we notice where we are,
And we can be mindfully and truly.
In that moment,
Will we find it there?
Yes; no; sometimes —
In my experience,
Presence can undoubtedly feel like presents.
How about who we are with?
These days more than ever,
Being with one another,
Is a gift.
Those moments are magic,
We are blessed if we find ourselves able to be with another human being,
With connection,
So we can choose to see that,
To embrace it.
To find happiness in with moments with our friends,
Our family,
Or our loves,
And our lovers.
In the cuddles with our kids,
And with our fur children,
With our extended families,
In whatever shape or form they come in.
These are but a few places to start,
In the everyday moments.