Why write? Ten reasons to get started.
Every one of us has a story to tell.
Each day of our life, we create our experiences, we learn lessons, and we create our future stories with the very fabric of our daily lives.
But do we take the time to capture them? In some tangible, shareable way?
Sometimes, we need a few reasons to get us to start.
Every writer, blogger, story-teller or content creator has their own, but here are some reasons to get you started—
Writing clarifies your thinking, ideas and focus.
Writing leaves behind a record of where you were at a specific moment in time.
Your stories could be your legacy—and writing them the best thing you do this lifetime—
But at the very least, it’s a great way to share,
And to help and serve other people.
Writing is a great way to create content,
To become a subject matter expert,
And it could increase your authority in your specific field.
As hobbies go, writing is energy-efficient and is easy to do anywhere, anytime—in any context or environment with very few resources.