You don’t get what you deserve in this life; you get what you fight for.
So, go for the jugular. Go get yours.
You don’t get what you deserve in life.
You get what you fight for.
You get what you’re willing to put up with.
You get what you must have.
You get whatever your minimum standards are.
We get what action we take.
We get what we do on the daily.
We become what we fill our minds with—
What we watch on TV,
What we listen to.
We become who we hang out with—
In real life and the digital world,
And where we work.
We become what we practice,
And what we preach.
Fuelled by what we think,
And what we eat.
The subtle shifts in our behaviour,
Start to compound and
All the ‘stuff’ we have been up to in the past,
Got us to where we are today.
Don’t like it?
Shift your vision and your outcomes,
Shift your strategy, your actions, and your behaviour
Shift your peer group.
Shift your mindset.
Shift your identity.